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  • Flyman dne 2021-Jan-29 22:20:17 Flyman řekl(a)

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  • Cristobal dne 2021-Jan-30 01:59:16 Cristobal řekl(a)

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  • Floyd dne 2021-Jan-30 10:37:41 Floyd řekl(a)

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  • Israel dne 2021-Jan-30 12:39:53 Israel řekl(a)

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  • Brett dne 2021-Jan-31 08:08:39 Brett řekl(a)

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  • Jerry dne 2021-Jan-31 09:04:02 Jerry řekl(a)

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  • Renaldo dne 2021-Jan-31 09:35:38 Renaldo řekl(a)

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  • Marion dne 2021-Jan-31 09:35:38 Marion řekl(a)

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  • Tyrone dne 2021-Feb-12 08:21:26 Tyrone řekl(a)

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  • Rickie dne 2021-Feb-12 08:32:09 Rickie řekl(a)

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  • Aubrey dne 2021-Feb-12 08:59:42 Aubrey řekl(a)

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  • Laverne dne 2021-Feb-12 08:59:43 Laverne řekl(a)

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    The group's executive director, Melanie Sloan, said some bishops went too far by saying a vote for Democrats would mean going to hell. "I don't think the Catholic bishops should be intimidating parishioners to advocate for any particular candidate," said Sloan.
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    Kelly kept going from there, made a statement that all mayoral candidates — especially the ones who have smart-mouthed Kelly on stop-and-frisk, or suggested he needs some kind of inspector general to tell him how to keep the city safe — ought to heed:
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    When she arrived in a form-fitting black and white dress with a sharp-suited Sharpton at the New York County Democratic Committee Award Ceremony on Monday night, the Daily News asked her to define her relationship with the civil rights powerhouse.
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    What's as interesting as this strange split among Sunni Muslim countries is the equally unusual alliance in the US of conservatives and liberals. Many conservatives adapt a realist approach, siding with the Obama administration's more tolerant reaction to the Egyptian military coup — indeed, the administration has yet to identify is as a "coup" at all.
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    On this week's Daily News Fifth Yankees Podcast, Mark Feinsand chats with Yankees reliever Dave Robertson about Mariano Rivera's bad week, what it's been like in the clubhouse since A-Rod returned and Robertson's "Power of 2" contest with Red Sox pitcher Ryan Dempster.
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    Cameron has had a strong run at prime minister's questions over the past month and heads off on holiday as the pre-eminent figure on the political stage because his MPs believe the chancellor is at last delivering the private-sector recovery he promised in his emergency budget in June 2010.
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    When it is rescheduled, ``Musica Latina: In Performance at the White House,'' will be the 12th installment in the series produced by the local PBS television station since 1978. Every president since Jimmy Carter has participated in the series.
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    Now, as efforts to address land conflict take root in the country’s west, the area is serving as a bellwether of Ivory Coast’s larger recovery. But the foundation these initiatives are building, through local peace committees, is a fragile one.
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    The company, which had warned that job cuts were in the offing, plans to shed 4,500 jobs. BlackBerry has already undergone a major round of job cuts over the last 12 months. It employed 12,700 people as of March, and once had close to 20,000 employees.
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    Nna Alpha Onuoha, a Nigerian-born U.S. military veteran, was arrested shortly before midnight on Tuesday in connection with written and telephone threats made hours after his resignation from the Transportation Security Administration and on the eve of the 12th anniversary of the September 11 attacks.
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    In 2008, over 17 million people died as a result of heart disease, representing almost one in three global deaths. These deaths occurred almost equally between men and women. The number of heart disease deaths is projected to rise to over 23 million by 2030.
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    But he added: “We do not think that the characteristics of the horticultural sector, such as its seasonality and dependence on readily available workers to be deployed at short notice, are so different from those in other employment sectors as to merit special treatment from a migration policy perspective.”
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    Cop searched his vehicle and found three packages of heroin, five Oxycodone pills, three Clonidine pills and drug paraphernalia — including two silver spoons and two hypodermic needles in a zippered briefcase, and a syringe under the driver’s seat — the Villager of Wilton reported.
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    Fitch continues to view HLGC's capitalisation as strong based on its own risk-based capital assessment and expects capitalisation to remain commensurate with the rating level. However, net assets to net premiums continued to decline to 3x (FYE12: 5x, FYE11: 9x, FYE10: 43x) driven by the substantial growth in GWP in recent years. More positively, Fitch believes the amount of capital in Housing for HIV (a non-profit organisation that funds counselling and treatment for borrowers affected by HIV and AIDS) in South Africa is fully fungible and could be transferred to HLGC if needed.
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    "The Fed's June minutes and Bernanke's statements at the NBER yesterday increased confusion on the Fed's policy intentions," he said in a note. "The result will be continued high volatility as markets adapt to the changing environment and refocus on fundamentals."
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    MADISON, Wis. — A federal judge issued a temporary restraining order Monday evening to block enforcement of a new Wisconsin law that bans doctors who lack admitting privileges at nearby hospitals from performing abortions.
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    The high court’s agenda this term hits on many of the nation’s most divisive issues, but without prospects for landmark rulings like the one last year upholding Obamacare’s individual mandate .
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    Ecclestone's lawyers have said they plan to submit further extensive statements related to the case, and an imminent staffing change at the court will further delay the matter, the court said in a statement on Friday.
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    U.S. District Judge Nathaniel Gorton in Boston said Thursdaythat WCVB-TV had failed to show it was likely to prevail oncopyright claims against Aereo, as he ruled that Aereo couldcontinue providing users with WCVB programming while the lawsuitgoes ahead.
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    Crain's reported that a JPMorgan spokeswoman confirmed thetower is being marketed to potential buyers. The buyers were notnamed in the report. CBRE Group Inc brokers will handlethe sale of the tower, which has 2.2 million square feet ofoffice space, Crain's said.
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    Forced underground in 2007, al Qaeda's Iraqi wing has been reinvigorated by the civil war in neighboring Syria and growing resentment among the country's Sunni minority, which accuses the Shi'ite-led government of marginalizing them.
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    Most of the infractions revealed late Thursday involve unauthorized surveillance of Americans or foreign intelligence targets in the United States, both of which are restricted by law and executive order, according to the May 3, 2012 audit, and other top-secret documents. 
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    “I warmly welcome that Marte Dalelv was pardoned by the ruler of Dubai today. The fight for human rights for all continues,” Norway’s foreign minister, Espen Barth Eide, said on his Twitter account. Eide had told reporters Oslo believed the verdict was “completely unacceptable” and said it was contrary to human rights and the basic sense of justice.
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    Chicago and the state of Illinois have loosened some gun laws this year despite the opposition of Emanuel. The city council abolished its registry of gun owners after its gun control law was ruled unconstitutional by the courts. Illinois approved the concealed carrying of guns and is the last state in the nation to authorize some sort of carrying guns in public.
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    CSR, in a letter to the railway board, had complained about "unnecessary conditions" in the RFQ. “It is unfair on us to be prevented to participate in the project from the RFQ stage,” it said. The letter had criticised the railway board's condition that a company applying for the project should have worked in at least three countries in similar line of operations.
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    So we’re supposed to be surprised that a guy who defrauded a city full of people out of their retirement funds, to the tune of billions and billions of dollars, was also involved in sexual improprieties? That’s not news. What would have been news would have been if he was scrupulously clean in every aspect of his life except for the biggest fraud for several generations.
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    Just seven years later, there were 50 TV sets in Buckingham Palace. By the mid-Sixties, the Queen and Prince Philip often spent their evenings watching the telly – Prince Philip was known to be a keen fan of the wrestling on ITV, and a particular admirer of Johnny Kwango’s signature move, the flying headbutt.
  • Jacques dne 2021-Nov-16 08:01:44 Jacques řekl(a)

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    "Hannah, and the physicians caring for her, helped advance this area of medical practice, which is only at its very beginning stages," Children's Hospital of Illinois said in a statement released Sunday. "Even at this time of loss and grief, we, and Hannah's family, take comfort in the knowledge that the efforts of her physicians and the care team working with them will benefit and serve other children and adults in the years to come."
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    One review by the New York state Department of FinancialServices focuses on a proposed $1.35 billion purchase byGuggenheim Partners' Delaware Life Holdings LLC affiliate ofCanada's Sun Life Financial Inc's U.S. annuitybusiness, the people said on Tuesday.
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    In his book, The Intelligence Paradox, he wrote: “If any value is deeply evolutionarily familiar, it is reproductive success. If any value is truly unnatural, if there is one thing that humans (and all other species in nature) are decisively not designed for, it is voluntary childlessness."
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    "It is clear that the decision is due to the situation around the former U.S. special services employee Snowden, which we did not create," Putin's foreign policy aide, Yuri Ushakov, told reporters in Moscow.
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    "Information and telecommunication technologies cannot bethe new battlefield between states. Time is ripe to create theconditions to prevent cyberspace from being used as a weapon ofwar, through espionage, sabotage, and attacks against systemsand infrastructure of other countries," Rousseff said.
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    In July, Paris prosecutors opened a preliminary inquiry intothe NSA's programme, known as Prism, after Britain's Guardiannewspaper and German magazine Der Spiegel revealed wide-scalespying by the agency leaked by former NSA contractor EdwardSnowden.
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    Amanda Smith, the mother of one of the rescued people, Sam Smith, told Britain's Sky News that her son described how the helicopter "seemed to lose power and there was no time to brace - they just dropped into the sea".
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    * A rise in long-term interest rates is creating challengesand opportunities for the large U.S. banks as they struggle toovercome lackluster loan demand, a weak economy and a slew ofnew regulations that are crimping profits. ()
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    While her character on 'The Office' remained pregnant, Jenna Fischer gave birth to her first child. The actress and husband Lee Kirk welcomed son Weston Lee on Sept. 24. Luckily for Fischer, her real-life pregnancy was written into season eight of the NBC sitcom, with her character Pam expecting a second child with on-screen husband Jim Halpert.
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    Hun Sen will not agree to any investigation of the vote out of his control. But after weeks of demanding an independent assessment, an opposition reluctant to spend the next five years on the political sidelines may have a tough time convincing its supporters to accept anything less. If it tries to negotiate with Hun Sen — as its leaders have done in the past — the opposition could risk losing some or possibly many of them.
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    In this photo taken Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2013, a man sells fish on a street in Maiduguri, Nigeria. Using every resource from psychologists to agriculture experts and security forces, the Nigerian state at the heart of an Islamic uprising hopes to reach a reservoir of angry and rootless young men easily recruited by Islamic extremists and transform them into productive members of society. “We are trying to look inward at what is the immediate cause and who are these people” in the Islamic sect, Boko Haram, that has morphed into a terrorist network, Mustapha, said. (AP Photo/Sunday Alamba)
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    Roughly 1,000 of the school's 1,300 freshman engineering students last year were men. Those men can shout down the hall and easily find one or two students able to help them on a calculus problem, said Watford, who recalled feeling isolated as the only engineer on her floor when she attended Virginia Tech in the 1980s.
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    The resources ploughed into investigating the family or campaign groups will be a key question for police. Stephen’s father Neville has said he had always suspected his family was ‘under greater investigation’ than the gang that killed his son.
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    The 15th century peasant girl, who led the French Army to several victories in the Hundred Years War, came to a grisly end at the stake in Rouen in 1431. Her name graces streets and squares, cafés and restaurants, cakes and cocktails, market stalls and museums, a bridge, a church and a car park.
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    Indications that the U.S. Federal Reserve would scale backits monetary stimulus were the focus of intense interest,especially from emerging economies hit by an ensuing selloff instocks and bonds, and a flight to the dollar.
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    “A few weeks ago when we moved into first place,” Kasten said, “I called Don and said: ‘Are you still here? I thought I fired you!’ ” Kasten said that throughout the Dodgers’ miserable start, during which the team was besieged with injuries, he and Mattingly and GM Ned Colletti talked every day. “Privately, I thought things would still fall into place if we could just get through this carousel of injuries. Going 39-8 (entering Wednesday)? No. I didn’t know that.”
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    Analysts on average forecast U.S. sales of sugammadex, ifapproved, to reach $663 million annually by 2018, according toReuters data. It would compete with Valeant PharmaceuticalsInternational Inc's Prostigmin, known generically asneostigmine, and Tensilon, also known as edrophonium.
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    The complaints – spreading over three years – involve foreign patients in possession of the European Health Insurance Card (Ehic). Under reciprocity rules, member states must provide free emergency care to EU citizens.
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